Friday, June 7, 2019


Welcome to my blog

Trawling the world wide web for credible health information is on the rise.

However sifting credible information from fake news, unverifiable anecdotes and misleading propaganda is often laborious and difficult.

Information asymmetry between what the person knows about his medical problems and what he or she should know is a major obstacle in achieving optimal treatment goals. Reducing this asymmetry is to the advantage of both the healthcare provider as well as the patient or customer as it leads to a more satisfying experience out of the interaction.

This blog is an effort on my part to dissipate credible information in a simple manner
drawing on my reading, training and clinical experience of more than 15 years regarding disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary system and pancreas and take a step towards reducing the information asymmetry to allow people to hopefully get more insight into the conditions they are affected by and help make a more informed choice regarding how to deal with them.

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Liver metastases from colon or rectal cancer: moving from despair to hope

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